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interactive language learning
The FLAX Project

Objective : to automate the production and delivery of practice exercises for overseas students who are learning English. The exercises will involve students in a virtually endless supply of collaborative and competitive language activities that are interesting, compelling, and rewarding.

Strategy :to deploy digital library software to allow teachers and students to capitalise on top-quality prose and multimedia resources already present in the world's libraries. This yields an unprecedented supply of linguistic material for students to practise on.

Presentation :to provide a web-based social setting, matching in real time students in different locations who opt for a particular type of exercise, allowing them to discuss and negotiate its parameters using chat, and undertake activities that are competitive or collaborative.

License :All software produced by this project is open source, issued under the GNU General Public License.

Language :The interface to the system will be capable of being easily translated into any language.

Funding :Foundational research is supported by a grant from the Royal Society of New Zealand Marsden Fund entitled Interlingual digital libraries for language learning. Applied research is supported by a grant from the New Zealand Foundation For Research Science & Technology entitled Enhancing competitiveness of NZ's TESOL industry in Asia.

Award :FLAX was awarded 1st prize for the LinkedUp Vici Challenge for the development of mature open data-driven applications in education. This award was funded by the European Commission.

The FLAX Team